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Building AI businesses

Building the future of work with AI

At Friyay, our vision is to create a future where AI plays a central role in empowering individuals. Through the development of specialised AI assistants and bots, we aim to automate tasks and activities at an unprecedented scale. This will allow people to focus less on traditional "work" and more on what truly inspires them - whether that's spending time with loved ones, pursuing creative passions, or giving back to their community.

By democratising access to generative AI technologies, we believe everyone should have the freedom to live life on their own terms. In the coming years, AI will generate value and opportunity in ways we can only begin to imagine. Friyay is dedicated to playing our part in shaping a future where people are liberated from the constraints of routine jobs and rigid schedules. A future where what matters most is how we spend our time, not how we earn a living.

How we're building AI businesses

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Leadership AI workshops

We provide a curriculum of workshops taking a business from an introduction to AI to the tools which they can use right now, all the way through to consideration of new business models.

Man in apartment smaller

Build AI products

When our clients start to understand AI and how it can help their business, they tend to need bespoke products which aren’t yet available on the market. We work with those clients to build the products they need

BUilding fun

AI products you can buy

We take the most successful of our bespoke AI products and launch them as products which any business can use to accelerate their journey to an AI business. That means ten times the growth and a fraction of the cost.

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